Acteia is a versatile entertainment app designed to enhance your movie and series-watching experience. This comprehensive tool leverages TheMovieDB, the largest film and series database globally, ensuring you always stay updated with the latest releases. It provides a seamless, enjoyable experience for individual users and families alike, optimizing its use across multiple devices simultaneously.
Keep track of your favorite movies and TV shows
With this tool, discover a user-friendly interface that promises efficiency without compromising performance. The app allows you to tailor your viewing experience by enabling you to create and manage a list of your favorite movies, series, animes, dramas, and soap operas. Plan your watch sessions conveniently by saving anticipated titles to your favorites for easy access on your preferred streaming platforms.
Though the availability of certain content and features might differ based on your region and the Android device version in use, Acteia remains a superior choice for media enthusiasts looking for an organized and enjoyable viewing experience. This application is essential for anyone eager to explore a vast array of entertainment options at their fingertips.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
Very good
It used to be good but I don't know what happened that it's terrible now
very good